Company Wise

Company Name CIN
S.No CSR Project(s) Development Sector(s) State District Project Amount Outlay
(INR Cr.)
Amount Spent
(INR Cr.)
Mode of Implementation

Disclaimer : Data has been technically cleaned by removing error to the extent feasible w.r.t development sector,states etc. The data has been taken from the disclosures made by companies in Segment III of e-form AOC-4 (XBRL and Non-XBRL).Data available in the Board Report may be taken as final disclosure. MCA makes no representation regarding the completeness, accuracy of any information and data contained on this portal or that such information and data will be error-free. In the event that the information on Director's Report of Company differs from the information contained on this portal, the information in such report shall take precedence. || NEC / Not Mentioned - 'Companies which have not disclosed the details of the projects as per Section 135 read with Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013 and Companies(Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 ' || PAN India- 'Companies who have mentioned either Prime Minister's National Relief Fund or Swacch Bharat Kosh or Clean Ganga Fund or Any Other Fund or Companies who have mentioned more than one state for a particular CSR activity/project.'